Warding our heritage with good works.

Fostering and merrymaking the history, culture, and traditions of the Northen European folk.

Area of Work

About Us

Lost in the distraction and hedonism of modernity, we have become mindless vessels, ambling about without purpose or reason.

Like our namesake, Hereward, we are fellows that stand firmly against those who seek to assail our heritage and birthright; we refuse to be shackled by the yoke of progressive debasement. To overcome those who act against our interests, we must strengthen ourselves, both inwardly and outwardly, and come together in fellowship, so that we may not see our people fall to ruin.

Our goals

Ultimately, we seek a return to tradition and the flourishing of our people, no longer wallowing in the muck and mire of modern degeneracy. Clearly, this endeavour is not wholly achievable by ourselves alone, but we will work towards this task by providing resources and tools that might embolden all good men who share our desire.

A map of Europe, highlighting the area of focus for Hereward's endeavours